Poll: Older Americans Would Like More Health Services at Local Pharmacy

A new survey by PrescribeWellness finds that U.S. residents aged 40 years and older see their local pharmacy as a destination for preventive care and other health services. The survey found that 46% of such adults said they are willing to pay cash for preventive health services at their pharmacy instead of a copayment at a doctor’s office, and 50% said they would transfer their prescriptions to a pharmacy that provided other preventive care services. When asked which services their pharmacy could add to make health care more convenient, 29% of older adults cited access to all vaccines. Of those who have been vaccinated at a local pharmacy, 58% said it is more convenient than visiting their doctor and 46% said it is quicker.

“Thousands of community pharmacies are going ‘beyond the fill’ every day, offering their patients valuable advice and preventive care services. And this role will only be increasing as technology changes the way illnesses are diagnosed and treatment is delivered.”

– Al Babbington, CEO of PrescribeWellness

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