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Social Media with Good Neighbor Pharmacy

Erica Willson
“Creating your pharmacy and business digital presence is vital in today’s market. Energized Good Neighbor Pharmacy social media services help define, support, and maximize your pharmacy marketing strategy. With the help of Good Neighbor Pharmacy, you can customize advertising, evaluate reach, and learn how to manage your reputation.”
– Erica Willson, Senior Marketing Director, WSPC

Social Media Tips from Good Neighbor Pharmacy

  • Develop localized marketing strategies with a dedicated expert who will use data and analytics to help you connect more effectively with the people in your community.

83% of consumers say word-of-mouth influences their purchases.

  • Choose from a variety of standardized campaigns, and then customize them for your pharmacy to maximize awareness of your distinctive brand.
  • An important part of any social media strategy is finding a way to engage and connect with your followers. Showcasing your staff members on social media is a simple and fun way to grab the attention of your followers and show off one of the most valuable assets of your pharmacy — your people.